Can Emu Oil really help with pain relief?

You may remember if you read our last news bulletin that we said that Emu Oil can help in the relief of joint and muscle pain.
How does it do this?
Well, just as the high levels of Omega fatty acids that are present are great for our heart, when Emu Oil in applied to the skin it is able to quickly and efficiently penetrate into the body to apply it’s anti-inflammatory effects, also having a great effect on reducing infection and irritation.
However it is really only pure natural that has real benefit, and its this reason that you might be right to be weary of product that only contain Emu Oil, rather than are just 100% Emu Oil.
Thanks to our Emu Oil being nothing added, 100% pure, there are no side effects from its use. This means that you can apply the oil as up to 4 times a day for up to 3 months and be confident that no harsh man made chemicals are leaching into your body.